Mrs. Curtis- Resource Specialist- Introduction

Welcome to Mrs. Curtis' 6-12 Learning Center


The Learning Center is a place for students with IEP's, 504's, or SST's to come and receive support for academic, emotional, social, and behavioral needs. In addition to support for all academic subjects, Mrs. Curtis teaches a foundational math class one period per day. 


In the Learning Center, students are given the tools and support they need to cope with the challenges they may face in academic, social, emotional and behavioral areas. It is my desire to encourage students to be their best selfs and set their goals high without fear of failure. To instill in them that each of them has different gifts and talents and even though learning may look different for each of them, it does not make it wrong. 


“Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times and in different ways.”     - Unknown

Why I Teach Video